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  1. Benefits
  2. Customer Satisfaction
Financial Planning Window To Future

Put away the crystal ball. All your clients need is a clear window.

The journey financial advisers take with their clients often results in deep relationships being formed. However, in the early stages, it can be difficult to demonstrate value and build trust. FinPal client portal offers clients a real time window into their financial planning future. Fact find information is collected directly through the portal, allowing us to provide clients an instant view of their current situation and show them how changes will impact their future outlook.

Fin365 - Platform Benefits

Financial Planning Business Intelligence – are your clients getting the love they deserve?

By monitoring time spent on ongoing service activities, financial planning businesses’ can quickly identify higher paying clients who are not receiving adequate attention or lower paying clients requiring too much attention. Business and/or fee adjustments can then be made to ensure both customer expectations and business profitability are kept at desired levels.
